Donald J Trump

Donald Trump Center

45th President of the United States


The Donald Trump Center website is dedicated to preserving accomplishment information and media for one of the greatest Presidents in USA history.  We are a community of volunteers and have no direct affiliation with any political party or President Trump. If you would like to help with donations to grow and sustain this site, please use the contact form to send your contact information.

About Donald J Trump

Donald J Trump was the 45th President of the United States. Trump took office on January 20, 2017. In 1980, he opened the Grand Hyatt New York, which made him New Yorks best-known real estate developer. In 2004, Trump began starring in the hit NBC reality series The Apprentice. Trump announced his bid for presidency in 2015 on the Republican ticket. Trump became the official Republican candidate for president on July 19, 2016, and beat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Much controversy still surrounds the 2020 election in which Trump lost his bid for reelection to former vice president Joe Biden.

Donald Trump excelled in foreign policy to put America First again.  He renegotiated the failed job killing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) . He also withdrew the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations. Trump successfully withdrew the United States from the one sided Paris Agreement on climate change and the Iran nuclear deal.  He imposed long overdue import tariffs on China to even out the huge decades of trade imbalance. Trump was successful at drawing down troops from all over the world . Namely Germany, Afghanistan and Northern Syria. Trump was able to stop North Koreas aggression to South Korea 

Donald Trump proved to be an ally of Israel. Just about every post WW2 Presidential candidate has run with the campaign promise of recognizing Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel. Even Barak Hussein Obama had made that promise in 2007. Every President since 1948 has failed to keep that word except Donald Trump. On December 6th, 2017 Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the USA Embassy from Tel Aviv to that ancient city to solidify the position of the United States of America.

Donald Trump proved to be a friend to the church.  President Trump passed more legislation than any other president to protect the freedoms of religion. Trump also packed the Federal Court system with 300 conservative judge appointments. This could ensure the protection of conservative views during the term of a very liberal administration.

Donald Trump kept campaign promises. Whether you like him or not, one thing everyone can say about President Trump, he kept campaign promises after he won the election. He started building the southern border wall to protect our nation. He cut taxes for the middle class with an unprecedented double standard deduction and slashing of Obamacare requirements for small business, just to name a few. 

The Leadership Our Nation Still Needs

Great Accomplishments

Although the fake news media has portrayed Donald Trump in a negative light, history will record him as one of the greatest Presidents to ever sit in the Oval Office. One of the purposes of this website is to permanently record the many things that were accomplished in our Unites States of America. We believe that in the coming years America will realize what we had in Donald Trump. Hopefully with voting reform, President Trump will take back the White House to finish the job he started. Trump 2024!



    News & Updates 

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